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Parish Council

The Parish Council is made up of ordinary members of the public who live in Norton. They are elected by villagers to represent the best interests of the village and it’s people. The council usually meets on the first Monday of every month.

Anyone can attend the Parish Council Meetings to observe or raise issues.

Villagers with practical suggestions or thoughts on how to make Norton an even more pleasant place to live, please feel free to contact a member of the council.

Freedom of Information Act

Under the Freedom of Information Act, it is the duty of all public authorities to adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme. Norton Parish Council operates this scheme and details are available of the new Model Publication Scheme, unedited and as prepared by the Information Commissioner’s Office. and how information will be made available to the public.
For details of the Model Publication Scheme please download the document on the Home page under the documents heading at the bottom.
Model Publication Scheme.docx

Click to download. Last update 25 June 2023

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